A Preacher’s kid (PK) and a dynamic worship leader, Chanique continues to grow and develop her craft in the art of music. Setting her gaze always on Jesus Christ, Chanique lives to revere and glorify the name, the person and the attributes of the trinitarian God through her personal relationship with Jesus Christ and her life’s work, though still very young.

Discovering and owning her identity in Christ, Chanique has overcome fear, doubt, and insecurities and has made it her mission to travel the world and minister, encourage and empower others, especially millennials, who may be going through what she has overcome. Chanique’s testimony is that her true freedom came when she discovered and received one of the most powerful truths in scripture; that she is made in the image of God and that her identity is in Jesus Christ, this is the message that Chanique has now made her life’s mission.

Chanique wants everyone she meets to also discover the very truth that transformed her life; that they are made in the image of God, that their identity is in Jesus Christ and that they have been entrusted with an everlasting wealth wellspring of talents, gifts, and callings which one must own and operate from; the nature of Christ within. In walking out her mission, Chanique places heavy emphasis on application of the word of God to one’s life, how individuals can masterfully operate from God’s power that is within them, thereby fulfilling God’s preordained purpose for one’s life; what she likes to call “living life on purpose”. Chanique is on a mission to positively impact society one life at a time!